Why Use Outside IT help?
As a person who works in Sales, it’s amazing how often people tell me they’d hate to do what I do.
“If I had to go into sales, my family would starve!”
“I would hate to be a pushy salesperson, it just doesn’t fit my personality.”
“Do you have to make cold calls?” *insert gasp*
I always tell them, it’s really not bad as long as you’re finding the right customers and the right solution. Being in Managed IT services, the reasons to choose our services are pretty simple: Reliability, expertise, flexibility, and peace of mind. My job is to educate customers on what we do and help them understand if it will help their business to partner with someone like us. Here are a few statements that are a clear cry for an IT provider:
“We’re just not sure if we’re in good shape. We want someone to take a look.”
This often happens if there’s been either a) a longstanding IT manager or consultant has handled IT as long as the business can remember, OR b) No one has ever really owned IT in a proactive sense. It’s a “nose goes”, “call-my-cousin-Kevin-he’s-good-at-computers” situation. Something can trigger the business to suddenly ask, “Wait, are we protected from Ransomware?” or “When we expand into this neighboring suite, do we need a new switch?” or “I saw an article about Cloud – should we be looking into that?” Answer: A good IT provider will take a look for free. If you want an in-depth analysis, there’s usually an assessment that can be done for a relatively low cost. Ask what industries the provider works in so they can give you guidance with best practices.
“I want Dennis to focus on ___ instead of being distracted by IT fires all the time.”
An employee who knows your business systems and your business strategy is uniquely qualified to further develop and drive those systems forward. Why dedicate 70% of his/her work week to applying security patches, setting up new computers, researching “security practices for small business to prevent Ransomware” (among other things).
The core functions of network management are the same across any business – your employee’s talents are a core competency to yours. Generally speaking, you can make the most of their time by augmenting with a managed IT provider.
“Our business is growing and we need help planning”
Opening new locations, morphing a mobile workforce, adopting cloud applications ALL require IT and planning. A quality IT provider helps customers consider the true costs of change so businesses can plan.
If your business is growing, tapping into an MSP (managed service provider) gives you the flexibility to scale through them. Most MSP’s use a per-user monthly fee, so as your business fluctuates, the cost for IT will follow accordingly.
On a related note: Sometimes the most difficult part of planning big-picture changes is simply communicating IT necessities to leadership without “talking tech” – an IT provider can help translate and advocate for IT.
“Dennis can handle most things, but we want someone to help with projects or cover when he’s gone.”
This is huge! We’ve had customers who contract with us to simply allow their IT person to take a real vacation. Most outsourced IT companies aren’t here to replace a valued employee, rather they are intended to be their resource and empower the good work they are doing. Cautionary note: Some MSP’s require you be on some kind of ongoing contract in order to have access to technical help. While there are benefits to being on a managed contract, Worksighted doesn’t require a contract if an IT department simply needs help with a one-off project.
Obviously, this is not an exhaustive list. If you’re curious about IT services, please reach out. We have a Sales department at Worksighted, but we strive not to be pushy or salesy – the first order of business is always to assess your needs and, from there, see if we can help.